IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
  • Cast Members Alive:
  • Gender Split (F:M):
  • Percent of Cast with Demo Info:
Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
John Schneider Sam Doonby
Ernie Hudson Leroy Jackson
Robert Davi Sheriff Tom Woodley
Jennifer O'Neill Barbara Ann Reaper
Joe Estevez Cyrus Reaper
Will Wallace Tony
Jolyn Janis Lisa
Tom Lagleder Justin
Lizabeth Waters Jessica Gordon
Jenn Gotzon Chandler Laura Reaper
Erin Way Lucy Mae
Brandi Blevins Jolene
Cassandra L. Small Rose
Jeff Fenter Brad
Liz Waters Jessica Gordon
Matthew Tompkins Charlie
Norma McCorvey Nancy Thurber
Pierre Kennel Duane
Thomas Joel Davidson Archie
Kia Malone Irma
Milli Osemele Loretta
Loomis Warren Jr. Josh/Parkerville Barman
Bridgette Bassa Sue
Maurice Ripke
Charlie Parrish
Sandy McIlree
Matt Hensarling
Michael Shell
Debbie Sewart
Jeremy Ray
Nathan Michael Hampson Ray
Carmella Quintos
George Mills
Scotti Hill Scotti Hill
Omar Dykes Omar Kent Dykes
Wes Starr Wes Starr
Hailey Tuck Hailey Tuck
Bruce Jones Bruce Jones