IMDb Page
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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Isabelle Huppert Clémence Collombet
Reda Kateb Yazid Jabbi
Naidra Ayadi Naidra
Jean-Paul Bordes Michel Kupta
Soufiane Guerrab Esposito
Laurent Poitrenaux Jérôme Narvaux
Hervé Pierre Pierre Messac
Walid Afkir Kamel
Stefan Crepon Guillaume Mars
Vincent Garanger Chaumette
Anne Loiret Catherine Messac
Youssouf Wague Wayne
Bruno Georis Doctor Jean-Marc Forgeat
Gauthier Battoue Vincent, Clémence's son
Mama Prassinos Karine Kupta
Christian Benedetti Bertrand
Mustapha Abourachid Thierry
Rosita Dadoun Fernandez Madame Cuaron
François Pérache Elysée agent
Alex Andréa Madame Gorakis
Brune Renault Militant
Roukiata Ouedraogo Kupka's neighbor
Sébastien Deleau The angry man
Laurent Mothe Restaurant owner
Cécile Ribault-Caillol Woman at the Elysée
Jean Seleskovitch Man at the Elysée
Philippe Dusseau General secretary of the Elysée
Rachel Khan Town clerk
Jonas Dinal Esposito's right-hand man
Elsa Bougerie Ticket saleswoman
Yasmine Miksic First Serbian woman
Sladana Igic Second Serbian woman