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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Catherine Deneuve Odette
Emmanuelle Béart Gilberte
Vincent Perez Morel
John Malkovich Baron de Charlus
Pascal Greggory Saint-Loup
Marcello Mazzarella Marcel
Marie-France Pisier Madame Verdurin
Chiara Mastroianni Albertine
Arielle Dombasle Madame de Farcy
Édith Scob Oriane de Guermantes
Elsa Zylberstein Rachel
Christian Vadim Bloch
Melvil Poupaud Prince of Foix
Alain Robbe-Grillet Goncourt
Jean-François Lapalus Café de la Paix's head waiter
Dominique Labourier Madame Cottard
Philippe Morier-Genoud Monsieur Cottard
Mathilde Seigner Céleste
Jacques Pieiller Jupien
Hélène Surgère Françoise
André Engel Marcel old
Georges Du Fresne Marcel child
Monique Mélinand Marcel's grandmother
Laurence Février Marcel's mother
Jean-François Balmer Uncle Adolphe
Pierre Mignard Marcel as a teenager
Lucien Pascal Prince of Guermantes
Jérôme Prieur Monsieur Verdurin
Bernard Pautrat Swann
Ingrid Caven The Russian Princess
Jean-Claude Jay Duke of Guermantes
Camille Du Fresne Gilberte as a child
Alain Rimoux Monsieur Bontemps
Alain Guillo The great fashion designer
Xavier Briere Marcel the head waiter
Bernard Garnier Cambremer
Monique Couturier Marquise de Villeparisis
Isa Mercure Madame Bontemps
Pierre-Alain Chapuis Head witer of the Guermantes
Damien Odoul Gaspard, cook at the Café de la Paix
Daniel Isoppo Manager of the Balbec hotel
Patrice Juiff Young waiter at the Balbec hotel
Pascal Tokatlian Hotel Balbec lift operator
Marine Delterme Morelc's friend
Jean Badin Rachel's husband
Laurent Schwaar Maurice
Alexandre Soulié Louis, the military
Sébastien Libessart The Zèrne military
Fabrice Cals Employee Jupien
Hervé Falloux Monsieur Redingote
Francis Leplay Employee Jupien
Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre Gilberte's daughter
Diane Dassigny Pianist at the Bal de Têtes
Alain Duclos Uncle Adolphe's valet