• Average Age of Cast at Release:
  • Cast Members Alive:
  • Gender Split (F:M):
  • Percent of Cast with Demo Info:
Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Patrick Troughton The Doctor
Frazer Hines Jamie McCrimmon
Deborah Watling Victoria Waterfield
John Bailey Edward Waterfield
Marius Goring Theodore Maxtible
Brigit Forsyth Ruth Maxtible
Geoffrey Colville Perry
Griffith Davies Kennedy
Alec Ross Bob Hall
Windsor Davies Toby
Sonny Caldinez Kemel
Gary Watson Arthur Terrall
Jo Rowbottom Mollie Dawson
Roy Skelton Dalek Voice
Peter Hawkins Dalek Voice
Robert Jewell Dalek
Gerald Taylor Dalek
John Scott Martin Dalek
Murphy Grumbar Dalek
Ken Tyllsen Dalek