IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
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  • Gender Split (F:M):
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Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Robert Lee Oliver Jeff Nathan
Donatella Hecht Linda Douglas
Neal Rosen Rinaldi Vivaldo
Valorie Hubbard Joyce Shepard
Terry Hayes Timmy Nolan
Katherine Mayfield Sylvia Douglas
Suzanne Ehrlich Rita Vivaldo
Louis Homyak Roddy Douglas
Ken Eaton Commissioner Dixon
Alley Ninestein Mrs. Shepard
Marie Michaels Lois McDormick
Grace Gawthrop Mrs. Nathan
Allen Lewis Rickman Dr. Bass
Mickey Ross Cylde McDormick
Grace Pettijohn Booty Bernett
Michael Fuer Dr. Lee Grouly
Tony DeRiso Frankie Lemmonjello
Morty Kleidermacher Officer Hitchcock
Carolyn Gratsch Felicia Codd
Lori Gustafson Elisa Dixon
Douglas James Johnny Nolan
Ginger Anselmo Mrs. Olson
Jennifer Wiener Junior Douglas
J.J. Ramirez Officer Scooter
Catherine McElhone Ethel
Tom Chappelle Officer Bill
C.M. Matticola Second Mother
Michael Helman First Paramedic