IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
  • Cast Members Alive:
  • Gender Split (F:M):
  • Percent of Cast with Demo Info:
Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Tom Selleck Judge Timothy Nash
Elizabeth McGovern Janice Dillon
William Atherton Neil Roemer
Charles Haid Judge Harold Ashley
Stanley DeSantis Vince Escobar
Rob LaBelle Louis Dale
Cynthia Martells Cyndy Duryea
Fritz Weaver Lionel Nash
John Milford Judge Frank Wister
Nicholas Pryor Paul Cleary
Marsha Mason Judge Ruth Fraser
Brent Stait Evan Soika
Lorena Gale Carole Benisek
Kevin McNulty Judge Dwight Peatling
Meredith Bain Woodward Suzanne Jardine
Johnny Cuthbert Det. Mancuso
Julian Christopher Det. Garvey
Jay Arthur Sterrenberg Benjamin Nash
Rodney Turner Bailiff
L. Harvey Gold Carl Brecht
Philip Granger Agent Sanchez
Robin Mossley Agent Testa
Scott Swanson Judge Potter
Maxine Miller Hillary Nash
A.C. Peterson Highland
Howard Storey Floyd
Robert Thurston Photographer
Greg Thirloway Lawyer
Helen Honeywell Mrs. Beller
Wren Roberts Bouncer
Alf Humphreys Officer
Tonia Usher Store Clerk