IMDb Page
  • Average Age of Cast at Release:
  • Cast Members Alive:
  • Gender Split (F:M):
  • Percent of Cast with Demo Info:
Profile Pic Name Character Birthday Deathday Age at Release
Jennifer Grey Gwen Shamblin
Brittany Drisdelle Adrienne
Jorja Cadence Elizabeth Shamblin Hannah
Karen Cliche Natasha
Vincent Walsh Joe Lara
Connor McMahon Brandon Hannah
Michael Hearn Gwen's Lawyer
Frank Fiola TV Executive
Evelyne Morissette Client
Willow Astbury Young Elizabeth
Adam LeBlanc Josh Kitt
Karine Dion Tammy
Dylan Colton Michael Shamblin
Eloïse Tanguay Simard Josh's Wife
Teneisha Collins Carmen
Zoé Boivin Wedding Couple
Chidubem Rafael Echendu Josef Smith Jr.
David Leblanc Church Leader on Plane
Alain Goulem David Shamblin
Gabrielle Miller Emily
Roxanne Boulianne Jennifer Martin
Brent Skagford David Martin
Letitia Brookes Sonya Smith
Carlo Mestroni Natasha's Lawyer