IMDb Page
Movie Release Date Character Age at Release
Timeslip 11/01/55 Inspector Hammond 49
Orders Are Orders 10/01/54 R.S.M. Benson 48
Grand National Night 04/15/53 Sergeant Gibson 47
The Pickwick Papers 11/14/52 Mr. Snubbins 46
Smuggled Cargo 08/21/39 Gerry Clayton 33
A Christmas Carol 12/16/38 Scrooge's Nephew Fred 32
Who Killed John Savage? 06/05/38 Anthony Benedict 32
Sailing Along 04/15/38 Steve Barnes 32
Gangway 08/19/37 Bob Deering 31
Glamorous Night 04/28/37 Anthony Allan 31
The Great Barrier 01/02/37 Steve 30
The Private Secretary 08/26/35 Douglas Cattermole 29
Me and Marlborough 07/22/35 Dick Welch 29
Brown on Resolution 05/15/35 Lt. Somerville 29
Oh, Daddy! 02/08/35 Jimmy Ellison 29
Passing Shadows 10/22/34 Jim Lawrence 28
Forbidden Territory 10/19/34 Michael Farringdon 28
Evergreen 04/01/34 Tommy Thompson 28
The Private Life of Don Juan 01/01/34 Rodrigo, the Impostor, a Man of Romance 27
La Mille et Deuxième Nuit 05/19/33 27